Bullying And Suicide Research Paper

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September 22, 2010, an 18 year old freshman named Tyler Clementi jumped off of the George Washington Bridge in New York City. Tyler was a victim of a cyber bullying occurrence that revealed him and another male kissing. Amongst both genders being bullied is a growing issue across the globe, so bad that some of our youth feel that they have to choose suicide as an option. This caused an uproar in the media and spurred a discussion nationwide on how bullying and depression are the top causes in youth suicide.
Globally bullying has become a big issue in countless elementary, middle, high schools and universities. Bullying can have a rather destructive effect in youthful victims, mentally and physically. Like any chief planning their next assault, bullies are quite …show more content…

Bulling alone does not initiate suicide, identified also as risk factor is substance abuse, depression, aggressive behavior and fighting and unfortunate to say but hopelessness (Cash and Bridge 2009). All of these factors merge and march together to bring someone to believe that suicide is the way out, with bullying and depression leading the charge. Reed, Nugent and Cooper’s data and research analyze the correlation between suicide and depression. “About 40%-80% of youth suicide attempters met diagnostic criteria for depression. Researchers suggest that suicidal thinking is strongly associated with depression, with 85% of clinically referred depressed youths reporting suicidal thoughts”. To show how much of our youth is really being affected by this the research parameters were done for ages 10-19 years of age. Only leaves one to think what happens in the socialization through education amongst the youth today. Not saying that it’s the education systems fault, one would relate to the fact that they go out of the way to provide numerous outreach programs and counselors to stop occurrences, yet the analysis numbers are significantly