Traditional Bullying Vs Cyberbullying
I chose to research more on cyberbullying because it was a topic not heavily covered in the textbook and it is a rather new form of aggression as compared to the typical bullying, with the increase of information communication technology(ICT). According to a research study conducted by The Singapore Children’s Society and Institute of Mental Health, being involved in cyber bullying - whether as a victim or as those who are both bullies and victims of bullying - was associated with a higher level of reported self-harm, than reported by those not involved in cyber bullying. The fact that cyberbullying can be linked to self-harm calls for it to be taken a closer look at. Furthermore, in 21th century Singapore
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By extending the definition from traditional bullying, cyberbullying has been defined as ‘an aggressive act or behavior that is carried out using electronic means by a group or an individual repeatedly and over time against a victim who cannot easily defend him or herself’ (Smith et al., 2008). ); Bullying based on an imbalance of power; and is defined by and Smith and Sharp, (1994) as a systematic abuse of power. From this perspective, cyberbullying is seen systematic abuse of power which occurs through the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs). Although, cyberbullying is seen as an abuse of ICTs, what constitutes as Cyberbullying has not yet be drawn out (Smith et al., 2006, Willard, 2006 and Willard, 2007). Some examples of cyberbullying includes, online fights, known as flaming, which imply the use of electronic messages with hostile and vulgar language, slandering, a modality that implies online disparagement, for example, sending cruel images or rumors about others to spoil their reputations or social relationships as well as defamation by spreading secrets or embarrassing information about someone (Willard, 2006, Willard, …show more content…
The effect are more detrimental now, especially with the anonymity aspect. One aspect of bullying that can explore is the evaluation of bullying in correlation of anonymity statistically, as no papers have yet been written showcasing the effect of anonymity on consequences for the victim. Another area that could be improved is the specific in comparison between cyberbullying and traditional bullying. For example, comparing the impacts of verbal bullying offline (traditional bullying) and online (cyberbullying). A statistical research comparison of cyberbullying on the same level. For example, a comparison of prevalence of flaming in 2 different countries of a fixed age group. This way slowly, the base of cyberbullying statistic can be built up for further research. Also research on how to cope with cyberbullying individually should be focus on more as well, because research has shown a lack of confiding in