
Cybersecurity Threat Essay

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A cybersecurity threat poses the biggest threat to the United States as a cyber-threat has the ability to infiltrate critical infrastructures in order to gain critical sensitive information. Knowing this, the FBI has taken steps and developed technology to combat this cyber threat.
The cybersecurity threat assessed by the FBI. The frequency and sophistication of cyber-attacks has increased and is expected to only increase. It is also believed that the threat has reached a point where an adversary with enough time, funding, and motivation would be able to penetrate any system that is accessible from the internet. The FBI has also identified significant cyber threats to our nation as those with high intent and capability to inflict damage to …show more content…

critical infrastructure, intellectual property theft, and cybercrime. Cyber threats against the private sector would include those attacks that result in economic losses. Cyber threats against the U.S. critical infrastructure take aim at attacking the automation of the U.S.’s critical infrastructures. The increase in automation has done nothing more than increase access points into the infrastructures. An example of these infrastructures include industrial control systems that control the nation’s pipelines and railroads to name a few. The FBI is concerned about the proliferation of techniques that can disrupt and destroy these critical infrastructures (2011). Intellectual property theft is the violation of one’s trade secrets, digital piracy, and counterfeit goods, which result in the loss of profits. These threats also pose a threat to the U.S.’s public health and safety in the form of counterfeit pharmaceuticals and various components and parts for everything from electronics to airplanes (2011). Cybercrime that manipulated the supply chain poses a threat in that poorly manufactured computer components could proliferate the market potentially posing a threat to national security interest. More specifically these poorly constructed components could contain malware and or fail at critical

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