
Cyberwarfare Argumentative Essay

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While some may think that the nations of the world have become much more intelligent and diplomatic since the end of the Cold War; there is evidence that proves otherwise. During the Cold War children were taught to hide under a desk so that they would be protected from a nuclear bomb; this fear of nuclear fallout was valid since this weaponry effects both combatants and none combatants. However, nuclear weapons have only been used several times, due to the immediate and long term effects that this action could have on the targeted nation, its enemy, and the rest of the world. With this concern attached to this decision, there could be very few justifiable situations to utilize the nuclear option. More specifically, the idea of “the most good for the most amount of people justifies the actions”. Regardless of this justification being morally or ethically correct, the consequences of those actions should still be accepted by the actor. By considering how a child reacts to being hit by another child, the answer can be applied to the way a …show more content…

It would make be understandable to have concern for the effects of a nuclear, weapon since it can destroy everything in its path; yet, cyberwarfare can bring similar results in a very different way. As conventional weapons are measured by distance covered, length of time, and severity, a cyber-attack also works within these parameters. For example, in Chapter one of Cyber War, the DDOS attack on Estonia did not last for several years (length of time); yet, the desired point of Russian power was still made (degree of severity). Cyber weapons do not ensure that there will be civilian casualties, but the Estonia attack injured everyone in the country (). Yet, while cyber-attacks may not always bring civilian casualties, this warfare can become very effective without killing anyone

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