Cycle Of Violence Essay

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1. Cycle of Violence
The cycle of violence is a pattern that a victim and abuser find themselves in. The cycle of violence has three phases; tension building, the blow up, and the honeymoon phase. According to Alle-Corliss, "The length of each phase and cycle varies with couples and circumstances" (pg.196). The first phase is called tension building. This tends to be the longest phase that has it 's own small phases. Firstly, the victim has a sense of walking on eggshells where minor battering occurs. After that the batter is afraid that the victim might tell someone and they keep the victim captive. Then the tension increases, anger escalates so the victim tries to keep phase two from coming. The batter continues to act possessively and brutality towards victim.
In the second phase, the incident (blow up), this is when the batter acts of uncontrolled towards victim. The phase can last from 2 to 24 hours and causes extreme fear in victim. This can be the time when the victim tries to call the police or flee. Phase three is the honeymoon phase. This is …show more content…

It is important to remember that the reporter is a health care professional, because they are immune from liability. Alle Corliss states, "beginning helpers unsure of their reporting responsibilities seek consultation and or legal counsel regarding this matter" (pg. 198). Reading all about domestic abuse is a review from my past classes. However, now as I read this passage I think about all my clients at my internship. We get a lot of clients that are mandated to attend domestic abuse classes. As I read the predictive factors I was able to see how I can see some of these characteristics in the clients. Most of them report having trouble with their temper and acting out impulsively. I have not been able to actually sit in the DV groups, because it is only for men. However, from what I read in client 's notes/progress reports the topics they learn in groups are cycle of violence, anger management, and coping