Cystic Fibrosis Speech

649 Words3 Pages
'Rare' is what colleges want in a candidate, that's what I heard everywhere I researched. Would you consider 1/100,000 rare? How about 1/1,000,000? Maybe? But how about a number that is so small, that even the calculator struggles to compute it. I am talking about 4 out of the entire world population till date. That is how rare my Cystic Fibrosis mutation is. Yes, I have Cystic Fibrosis and a number of complications that come with it. I wake up every morning knowing the reality that there is no cure for it today. But that reality doesn't define my day. I beat the odds to breathe any given day. I will beat the odds to live beyond a statistical number and I WILL beat the odds to be successful in life. I am asking for a level playing field. I