DON 12: A Short Story

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It’s the middle of the year of 1665 in the country of England in the city of London. Fear is aroused flying through the sky. Death is around each turn. I along with others are trying our best to avoid this plague I look around and I see a kid laying on the ground coughing. It seems he was hit with the plague. His mother holds her sons dying body in arms sobbing, balling her eyes out. Then I think back to my wife and how she ran tortes me one day saying that we’re having a child on the way. But then I instantly think back to her funeral. My eyes start to water. I walk past the wagon with dozens of dead bodies. They stop, and it start taking the body from the crying mothers arms and that reminded me that I know where they are going. Their going outside of town to burn the bodies. I keep on walking to work. …show more content…

I look around and see the faces of the people around me and I see the grow test expression on their face as they scrunch up. Another 20 minutes pass and I arrive at the fields. I look around and see bodies stack on top of each other’s. I start too grab and pull the bodies from the wagons. Lift pull lift pull again and again I repeat the same thing. Minutes then hours pass as I grow tired the sun falls. Then it was time to burn the bodies. As the light from the sun goes down we start to burn. The heat sorrows across the air and pounding my face with heat. I stand there and stand while the flames consume the bodies. And as they consume the bodies I get lost in thought. I think of my wife and the days we spent together and then a flash of lights flash forward to myself crying at a funeral my wife’s funeral. I look up and I see my wife’s photo hanging above a coffin. A tear flows down my face slowly and as soon as it is parallel to my noise I wipe it off. My chess titans up and I look at my feet thinking to