Dachau Monologue

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As you are aware of, I was in Dachau, the first concentration camp built on March 22, 1933, it was constructed at an old munition factory, outside the town of Dachau. I am telling you this now because even though I have mentioned I went to Dachau from 1933-1945, I have never told you guys the full story I went through. Just to make it clear I don’t want you to think I don’t like being a jew because that is not true. I love being a jew but I am very bitter about the 12 years I lost and will never get back. The full story is that when I got there-there were about 4,800 prisoners the first year. I was also forced to do forced labor the first thing they made us do was deconstruction of the old munition factory, under terrible condition, it didn’t matter if the weather was good or bad they made us do it and if we refused they would put us on a whipping block or hung us on a pole, they would handcuff us behind our back and they would leave us like that for one to two hours. …show more content…

Not to make you think that Dachau was an extermination camp because it wasn’t they prisoners there were sent to Hartheim, one of the six installations for adults. There were 30,000 individuals mostly mental and physical disabled