
Daily Show Research Paper

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Infotainment: What the Youth Follow

Project Option #1
Dinelle Cadette
April 6 2018

The Daily Show is an American late-night talk and news satire television program that airs on Comedy Central. The Daily Show pulls its entertainment and parodies from recent/current news stories, political figures, and media administrations while alluding itself as a news program special. The Daily Show program is popular among younger audiences. The Pew Research Center indicated in 2010 that 74% of consistent viewers were between the ages of 18 and 49, and that 43% watched the show for entertainment, that approximately 10% of the audience watched the show for its news headlines, only 2% for in-depth reporting, compared with 64% who watched …show more content…

Shows such as the Daily Show serve as an outlet for individuals to not only get insight on national and global issues, but feel comfortable with the lightheartedness of its deliverance. The Daily Show has evolved over the years with its exhibition of information towards its stance on certain political issues. Many people have begun to comment on its aggressive stance on the policies and functioning’s of recent political figures and the way they have represented the nation, specifically President Trump’s administration. The show began receiving backlash because of their blatant, outright disapproval of the election process and the implementation of staff positions and policies that have been enacted since its establishment. However, even with this recoil from some viewers, many continue to support the program and what it represents because it holds a reputation for providing factual, substantial information while still maintaining its comical …show more content…

Today’s younger generation is a very liberal group of individuals meaning they are open to new behaviors and opinions and are willing to discard traditional values to become a more progressive society. Tolerance and acceptance are central themes of this generation and infotainment programs benefit from on this. Today’s comedy is unapologetically honest and raw. In a society where so many people are fighting for the right to be accepted and for drastic reform to be made, comedy serves as a safe channel to voice these issues in a way that others can relate to. Infotainment programs such as the Daily Show take day to day matters and transform them into a mediated discussion piece that presents multiple sides to the topics. The current host of the Daily Show is the epitome of what viewers seek in an infotainment program. Trevor Noah is a South African comedian, as well as a writer, producer, political commentator, actor, and television host. He is best known for his role as the host of The Daily Show on Comedy Central since September 2015, and his numerous stand-up comedy specials. The host, Trevor Noah, and his co-hosts provide their perspective on politics, reform, and social

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