Daktronics Case Summary

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Daktronics presented next generation in digital LED billboard on June 3, 2010, the 4000 Series Digital Billboard. In created this new product, they considered these four main industry objectives: decrease billboard downtime, enhance billboard image quality, maximize customer ROI by lower operating costs and price to purchase, ensure safety by using automated and redundant failsafe controls. Price - Weakness Daktronics’ products had a wide range in price, from under $1K for small scoreboards to more than $40M for large, complex systems. Although Daktronics were not a lower cost leader, it tried to provide cost-effective solutions for its customers. However, this price factor could be a weakness of Daktronics when it had to compete with company …show more content…

• This company had Senior Executive (VP Human Resources) that had responsibility to manage Human Resources. Weaknesses • Company’s family orientation. Even though it is good in one side, since they could employ people that they knew better, it had a negative side, in terms of the possibility of the occurrence of conflict interest and unfair in career promotion. • Lack of salary increases and bonuses. It would lead to the possibility that the company could not attract the best talent and could not retain key management and other key employees, which could affect its business negatively. Culture/Ethics - Strength Daktronics had a positive corporate culture, which characterized by traits such as interesting and challenging work, a team orientation, and the challenge of solving problem that looked impossible. This strong culture would keep its employees tied to the company and they would actively and vigorously involved. This culture would affect company’s business growth, internal communication, decision making process, and innovation. Therefore, this positive culture became important assets besides great products and huge

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