Dally-Personal Narrative

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Ya’ know that feeling you get when you realize something bad is about to happen, but you don’t wanna accept it cause you want to pretend like everything’s alright and everything’s gonna be A-okay? I can’t count how many times I’ve felt that way considering all the trouble I done got myself into in my short amount of time. Growing up as Dallas Winston, the tough guy with no heart, has always been hard for me. Sometimes (maybe all the time), I try to act tough and fearless and I want to look real rough-looking so people don’t mistake me for being “soft”. But really I’m just scared. Well maybe not “scared”, but most of the time, I don’t want to fight or look tough. Most of the time, I just want to be me. The REAL Dallas Winston. But knowing …show more content…

Why couldn’t he have been like every other kid? Why couldn’t he have done something proactive with his life? He made his own decisions and he was the one who got himself into this situation. The question was, why? Now, two weeks later, Dally had been sitting in a jail cell with his fists balled up, filled with nothing but pure anger. He had been sentenced to 7 weeks for attempted armed robbery as a minor. Nothing had been worse than this, Dally thought. He had once been beaten up by a couple of Socs so badly that he needed several stitches and had two broken ribs. He had laid there in an alley for at least 6 hours, wailing in pain. No matter how bad that was, nothing was worse than just sitting. He absolutely despised having nothing to do. He thought that if he just sat and thought to himself, all the anger inside of him would build up and cause him to explode, sending the entire prison into an uproar. He tried to take his mind off of himself and tried thinking about Johnny, but that only made things worse. What if the police found Johnny shortly after he was gone? What if the Socs found him instead? What if his phone had died and he wasn’t able to call the gang and he’s still there,