Texting And Driving Argumentative Essay

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Phones were first invented in 1876 by Alexander Graham Bell and a little less than a century later the mobile phone was invented in 1973 ("Alexander Graham Bell" 2009). Now there are about 7 billion people and around 6.8 have a mobile device. These phones cause up to 1.6 million car crashes every year and 1 in 4 out of every car accidents in the U.S. is because of texting and driving ("Texting and Driving Accident Statistics - Distracted Driving"). After examining if technology is a distraction, it is clear that cellphones should be strictly prohibited in classrooms and while driving because it causes many injuries and deaths, students do more poorly in school, and is an unhealthy alternative to physical activity. Texting while driving has …show more content…

Although phones and technology have brought numerous useful tools to the world, they brought distractions and faults with the easy accessibility. “Technology gives children the ability to learn in ways their parents and grandparents never had. Today’s learners have immediate access to answers and research. Yet, that immediate access is changing the way students think about work and how they feel emotionally,” ("The Pros and Cons of Technology") It is not that technology is unimportant and should be destroyed completely, but there is a line people are crossing. It distracts people from doing their jobs, learning, staying healthy, and other things they should be doing with their …show more content…

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