
Daniel Craig Research Paper

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“Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.”(Bruce Lee) Daniel was always trying his hardest with his acting career. By trying to impress himself to his parents and family that he can successfully be an actor. Daniel Craig wanted to prove himself. When Daniel was child he was a happy kid. Daniel Craig was born on March 2, 1968, in Chester, England. (“Daniel Wroughton Craig”) Daniel wanted to be an actor when he was 6 years old. Since his mom work at a theater he was always around acting. He and his sister were always back stage with the actors and learning how to be better at acting. (Ogle) He moved to London when he was at the age 16 to join the …show more content…

Since he didn’t make it to drama school he able to get in to drama school in London Liverpool. (Ogle) Denial went to a school called Guildhall this school was a music and drama school. After graduating he received a few roles and then was given a role that could help his acting. The name of this was “Our Friends in the North”. This movie is a drama Daniel experienced reception and won several awards by being able to get this awards more role were presented to him (“Daniel Wroughton Craig”) Daniel got a chance at a few acting jobs nothing to big. But one this day he got his big break at play a private investigator in the movie we all know as “James Bond” But he had to wait a year before he would get the chance to shoot the movie. Other movies are “the girl with the dragon tattoo”, which he also plays an investigator. (Fincher) He also later on stared in a good movie called cowboys and aliens “which is pretty good”. (Fincher) Another important role came in 1998 with the film “Love Is the Devil” a biopic about the artist Francis Bacon (played by Derek Jacobi).Daniel was a co-star as a small thief. He described it later on as “the first film I did that made me” he gave the impressive performance that make America like him more. One of the top favorite actor from these kind of

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