Daniel Plainview

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As I watched the movie there will be blood, I found myself undecided if Daniel Plainview was the villain in the movie or just a guy who made bad decisions. He was a strong willed, money driven/ obsessed man. He worked very hard for what he wanted, created his own company. Manipulation was something he was great at. During the first half of the movie it seems as if he is only trying to do whats best for him and H.W. Plainview. He seemed as if he was a good father to H.W. and did really care about him. Then was Mary, who was being abused by her father Abel Sunday until Daniel makes him stop. In my opinion it seems like he truly cares for the kids because they are not his competition in the business. When the H.W. becomes deaf by the oil explosion, Daniel seems as to react as any other real, caring father would. You can see his fustration growing because of H.W.s’ deafening, but that is because he doesn't know how to help him. Soon After, he sends H.W. away to a school to learn how communicate by sign language. To me, this showed how much he truly cared about his son. Leaving him on the train, was the only way he could send him off to school. When Daniel had his baptism he showed how guilty he felt for sending …show more content…

He isolated himself, other than his servant. He ended up pushing away his own son because of his greed and competitiveness in the business. The last exchange that H.W. and Daniel had, was truly unfortunate. H.W. was an honest, caring son who didn’t want to leave on bad terms with his father. It seemed as if all the alcohol, greed and madness had taken over Daniel during that visit and instead of working things out with H.W. he ended up mistreating him and pushed him away for good. In that scene, he was so cruel to his son, that at one point he truly cared about, he humiliated him, and confessed to him that he was not his