Causes Of Darwin's Theory Of Natural Selection

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1. Darwin’s theory of Natural selection
Charles Darwin and Wallace were two British Naturalists. These two Naturalists were vastly inspired by the scientific revolution. Darwin and Wallace encountered a believable mechanism for evolutionary change through careful observation of different species. Darwin also discovered the variation among species by observing their interaction with the environment. This believable mechanism for evolutionary change known as the Natural Selection theory transformed and influenced the views and perspectives of the beginnings of organisms. Darwin and Wallace called this theory ‘natural selection’. Depending on the traits of an organism and whether or not the traits where favourable in its environment, this then …show more content…

Three primary causes of human variation
There are three primary causes of human variation. Firstly evolutionary processes are linked to the genetic diversity that occurs in and among populations. The second cause of human variation is the environment. The natural environment causes variation among individuals centred on their distinctive personal encounters in their particular environments. The third and final cause of human variation is culturally based. During an individual’s life span they are taught a specific culture (Scupin and DeCorse 2015).
According to Lewis, Jurmain and Kilgore (2008:77) the study of the gene pools and their DNA have lead anthropologists to discover that phenotypes, which are the physical characteristics of a population, are accurate outcomes of the genotype. A population group has its own individual gene pool which consists of dominant genes sometimes displayed through their physical appearances. Each gene in the gene pool represents a specific trait, for example there is a gene for eye color, hair and less visible traits such as blood types. The genetic distinction exists in the human species of today is a result of four various types of processes of evolution namely mutations, genetic drift, natural selection and gene flow (Scupin and DeCorse …show more content…

What makes us humans?
There are many factors that make us human. Different factors tie us and separate us from the rest of the environment. All species have evolved in some way or another but none as fast as the humans and to the extent as humans.
No one has been able to uncover the factor that ultimately makes us different from all living organisms. Many have wondered if it is not an innate factor within us that separates us. Genetics, socio-cultural structures, our consciousness and our environment makes us human but we do not only consist of these factors. There are other aspects that contribute and influence our existence. These aspects coexist within us. Therefor it would be erroneous of us to reduce humanity to biological and intellectual factors (Gross et al. 2016).
There are many factors unique to humans. Skeletal differences distinguish humans from apes but the apes DNA is 98% similar to that of humans. Humans have been described as the tool makers but it was later discovered that there are other animals that also use tools (Gross et al. 2016:ii).
Christians believe in the biblical version of home humans were put on the earth. They believe that humans were created in Gods image. They also believe that humans are connected to God spiritually and that this is the factor that distinguishes humans from the rest (Gross et al.