Inclusion Criteria Of Qualitative Research Essay

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Case Study
This is the research strategy with the help of which the researcher can gather topic specific real life information from the online sources. It is noticed that the practices or actions that has taken place in the world in relation to the research topic are collected and presented in this research strategy. This is means that the researcher analyses the aim and objectives through utilisation of the factual information that is available on the online sources such as organisational website. It involves evaluation of the particular case or situation associated with the topic. For this study, this research strategy is used in which different cases related to transnational asset recovery are presented in the findings so that aim and objectives are discussed and concluded precisely (Blessing & Chakrabarti, 2009).
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
It is essential for the studies of systematic review to make inclusion and exclusion criteria as selection of studies are dependent on these aspects. The inclusion and exclusion criteria that are used for choosing studies in this research are elaborated below:
Inclusion Criteria
The inclusion criterion that is used in this study is provided below:
Topic – The topic of the studies holds significant importance at the time of selection …show more content…

Moreover, the most basic perspective that must be considered by the investigator is the matter related to plagiarism for the reason that it influences the credibility of the research in a pessimistic manner. It is noticed that in this kind of wide research it focus on the issue of plagiarism that can develop and referred as illegal. In addition, it is crucial for the specialist to ensure that no hints of this activity are accessible in the paper and it is formed by his own thoughts and considering the perspective of various researchers and experts (Kumar & Phrommathed,