Role Of Ronald Reagan's Star Wars Initiative In The Collapse Of The Soviet Union

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To what extent did Ronald Reagan’s “Star Wars” initiative play a role in the collapse of the Soviet Union and the conclusion of the Cold War?

Oliver Aguirre
Candidate Number: 001018 - 0006
History IA
May 2016
Word Count: 1977
Table of Contents
A. Plan of Investigation……………………………………………………….…...…….…3
B. Summary of Evidence…………………………………………………………..………4-5
C. Evaluation of Sources.…………………………………………………...……..…….…6-7
D. Analysis………………………………......………………………………………….….8-9
E. Conclusion…………………………………….…………………………….…………..10
F. Sources (Works Cited).…………………………………………………………….……11

Section A: Plan of Investigation
The “Star Wars” Initiative, officially known as the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), was created during the Reagan …show more content…

These groups had different opinions on two specific aspects of the nuclear struggle and Strategic Defense Initiative. The first was the debatable level of the threat of the Soviet Union. The second was whether or not arms control was necessary. For many historians, the policies and processes caused the Soviet Union and the Cold War to come to their conclusions. This network of processes rather than the leading figures were the factors in creating the certain stages of the Cold War. The extent to which individuals such as Reagan could be held fully responsible for the collapse of the Soviet Union could certainly be questioned, however his program was crucial in creating a deceptive image of the SDI when there was most likely no scientific progress to support his plans. Whether it was a deceptive science or not, this program created and initiated by Reagan was used to promote opinions that would support his plans of missile …show more content…

Due to President Ronald Reagan’s development of this new program during the height of the Cold War, it can be seen how such an initiative could cause the Soviet Union to become intimidated and could cause the tensions of the Cold War to recede as a result of a Soviet collapse.
Beginning in 1983, Reagan began his public announcements regarding the so-called Strategic Defense Initiative. In that same year he gave a speech in which he portrayed the Soviet Union as an “Evil Empire” , and consequently gained momentum for creating the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization in 1984. This response gave way for many years of continuous proposals and meeting between the two leaders of these global powers. Reagan and Gorbachev had met in 1986 at a summit in Reykjavik. Upon his return, Reagan gave another speech to the American people reassuring them that their president would not compromise on their principles of freedom and liberty. Along with words of reassurance, he also brought what was discussed between the two leaders into a public light. This allowed for the SDI to be accepted and supported by the people. This program would stand to defend the United States at any costs, specifically if the Soviets did not maintain their nuclear arms