How Did Ronald Reagan Win The Cold War

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Ronald Reagan and the Cold War By Everett Perryman Many people think that when Ronald Reagan “Won” the Cold War, his only motivation to do so was for the satisfaction of winning, and obviously to protect the people of the United States of America and other allied countries. This is partly true. Ronald Reagan did want to protect his people, but he didn’t exactly want to win the war. All Reagan wanted to do, concerning the wanting to win part of the thought, was make sure that Gorbachev and the Union would fall. Reagan would go on to do great things like the “Tear Down This Wall” speech, and his war strategies of luring his enemies into a false sense of safety. Reagan would also leave a great reputation that we Americans should fight to protect until it is all over. What mattered to Reagan? …show more content…

Reagan used this slight advantage to convince Gorbachev that he was doing a bad thing and eventually made him end the Soviet Union. The way that Reagan used his mind games looks like it was well thought out and was contemplated for weeks, but there is no confirmation that Reagan actually had the whole thing planned out from the beginning of his presidency. As many people have heard, the “Tear Down This Wall” speech was monumental, but not many people know why. There are many reasons why his speech was monumental, but not many people can put their finger on exactly why. There was a lot of history with the Berlin Wall keeping its people in, and even shooting a few people trying to escape. The destruction of the Berlin Wall was seen as the start of the end of the Soviet Union. This point in the war gave people hope that the Soviet Union could be taken down. The Legacy that Reagan left with us is sometimes looked at as a great sense of pride, but I think that if there was any other person as president at that point in history the world would be a very different place under the Soviet rule, or even totally obliterated. Reagan