Dating: A Symbolic Interaction Within Society

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In order to be able to study how people interact with each other, sociologists have many tools which they use to break down and analyze interactions within society. A particularly important tool is the use of theories. Theories are a framework in which we use to evaluate how people interact within society. To begin, a sociologist must be able to identify which theory to use and determine if it is applicable depending on whether it is micro- or macrosociology. An appropriate theory to apply when analyzing dating is a micro-level theory specifically known as symbolic interactionism. This theory was developed by sociologists Charles Horton Cooley and George Herbert Mead. George Herbert Mead describes three core principles that include meaning, language and thought. These principles depict intersectionality in that language is the source of meaning and meaning is determined through language, all while thought is the bridge between the two. …show more content…

Today’s society is comprised of culturally defined symbols that have been designated a meaning which create the basis of social life. Symbols vary in different social settings because of different cultures, age, gender, languages, and especially time period. These symbols that carry certain meanings guide all our actions and interactions that provide a social reality. Although these meanings attached to symbols are socially derived, they are individually interpreted by the constituents of society. With this, comes the abstract identity of symbols which allows for symbols to be assigned with power. If there are no symbol for something, it is safe to say it doesn’t exist. For example, there is nothing cute and fluffy about the word kitten, yet, through symbolic interactionism we have been taught to associate that word with the cute and fluffy little animal in real