Dave Schick: My Hero

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Dave Schick is my hero because he’s still trying at something that he wants to succeed even if it doesn’t always go how he wants it to. In 2001 he opened a business in the West Acres Mall called Moxie Java, it is still open today. Ever since he opened the business in 2001 he has always been trying to achieve success to make a respectable enough profit so that he can also make money from the business. There have been many challenges in his way over the past 16 years and there continue to be challenges. One of the challenges has been money. Making a successful business is not as easy as some people think it may sound. You need dedication to the business with resources and a bit of luck to make it succeed. He has been the head of the business for the entire time it has been open and has never allowed it to fail when it probably should have on numerous occasions. He has fought through the difficult times with money in regards to the business and continued to try and make it work out. Though money has always been one of the bigger issues, it is not the only one. Making time for Moxie has also been a difficult challenge. He has needed to find time to deal with all the Moxie work while working a full-time job and being on call about once a month. Finding time to do all of these …show more content…

He has stayed with it and is searching for the light at the end of the tunnel where all of his hard work and countless hours of time and frustration that he has dealt with will pay off. He wants to be able to say that Moxie Java is a successful business. In my opinion, it would be incredibly difficult to keep a positive attitude the way that he has with the struggles he has dealt with but he has and that is truly inspiring to

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