David Farber's Net Neutrality Sentences

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David Farber’s Counterpoint in “Net Neutrality Nuances” by Barbara Schewick and David Farber brings up a different perspective and analysis on the issue of Net Neutrality. Instead of agreeing with the opinion of the majority and supporting the idea of the government regulating the behavior of ISPs when it comes to the internet, he argues that the government should simply leave it undisturbed and refrain from passing any laws regarding net neutrality. He believes the government progress will only slow down and hinder the actual solution, which he believes is to let the internet work itself out and resolve its own problems as it has done so in the past. While he brings up valid counterpoints to Barbara Schewick’s points that support regulation, David …show more content…

First off, the article has excellent structure and is primarily using original qualitative research. The article starts off by first defining terms that he will use in his argument. He gives his definition of net neutrality, and the premise of his argument. His premise is the unpredictability of the evolution of the internet, and how the users and providers of the internet have worked together in the past to get through these problems. His argument is that the internet should be trusted and free to solve its own problems as it has done so effectively in the past. Previous attempts to regulate the internet have failed because we assume we can predict how the internet will evolve, when that is not