Neutrality Is Bad For Education Business And You By Shant Sahakian

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Shant Sahakian, in the informative and opinionated piece, “Repeal of Net Neutrality is bad for Education, Business, and You,” written in Los Angeles Times, on November 30, 2017, argues that repealing, therefore ending net neutrality would be detrimental and “the end of the internet we have always known and loved”, and that ending net neutrality will be bad for education, business, and anyone who believes that the internet should be free and equal to use by all persons who use it today. Sahakian’s evidence consists of various references and indications to the fact that ending net neutrality will be the end to internet freedom and equality as wells as an end to the fairness and equal opportunity that net neutrality gives us today. Sahakian also …show more content…

Sahakian mainly uses persuasive appeals to emphasize how he feels in this article to describe his argument and standpoint. For example, Sahakian explains that ending net neutrality is a grave concern for the children in America who go to school because many of these students use the internet as a resource for research, information, and activity. Therefore, if net neutrality ends, then it will become a problem because the high school Sahakian teaches at “serves more than 26,000 students” and more than half of the students “come from socioeconomically disadvantaged households.” This issue is a concern for Sahakian because he explains that if net neutrality is repealed, “it would allow internet service providers to charge more to access certain websites, apps, videos, and content making the internet more exclusive, more expensive, and less accessible.” The repeal would also create a digital divide, or gap between the students who depend on the internet for homework, research, and collaboration as well. When Sahakian conveys these statements and opinions, he is trying to stress and explain that net neutrality is important for these students who need the internet for school. In other words, if net neutrality ends, then many students who cannot afford the internet would be without the necessary resources to …show more content…

For example, throughout the article, Sahakian continually reminds the reader that net neutrality is essential in keeping the internet fair, open, and equal for all people who use it. He also expresses his thoughts about how net neutrality affects his area of education and the consequences that could happen if net neutrality is repealed. Also, Sahakian frequently amplifies and strengthens the issue with repealing net neutrality throughout the whole article because in his opinion, ending net neutrality is a big mistake, and it is up to the people to help stop this mistake from happening