Nicholas Carr's Argument Against The Internet

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Nicholas Carr's argument against the internet was very strong, and it persuaded me. It is very difficult for me to go against his opinion. I agree that the internet is changing us, but not in ways we think. There are long-term effects of using the internet as often as we do. He states that the internet is changing the way our brains function such as having a shorter attention span, negatively changing the way we critically think, and negatively changing our reading skills. Prior to the internet, we had patience. Before the internet, we were able to take our time and actually read, but now we skim through until we find what we are looking for. Now we are used to instant knowledge and gratification. Nicholas Carr wrote about patience in his …show more content…

When using the internet often we tend to get addicted, and when we are away from the internet all we wonder about is what we are missing out on. “We want to be interrupted because each interruption brings us a valuable piece of information. To turn off these alerts is to risk feeling out of touch, or even socially isolated," wrote Carr. I am addicted to the internet, and when I am away from it can get tough. When I do my homework I turn off my phone, and put it in another room or else I get distracted and cannot get anything done. When I am at work I see coworkers, managers, janitors, and everyone around me on their smartphones. Now there is a rule that if we caught on the floor with our cell phones we get written up, or suspended from work because instead of working people were paying less attention to the customers and more to their social media. Every day people around us get into severe, and deadly accidents because of the internet. We have the internet on our phones and that access' us to social media. At stop signs, stop lights, freeways, and school zones I see at least one person who drives with one hand, and has their cell phone in the other. Our attention span is so short that we are willing to risk the lives of ourselves, and our peers to the