Dawn By Gipe Analysis

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In Gipe’s work, the best example also comes early in the novel. During a solo walk in the woods, Dawn finds herself stuck in “a hole narrow and deep (33)” after the ground breaks under her.” After falling to the ground, Dawn attempts to stand up in the hole and immediately realizes something is wrong with her leg. “I tried to stand, but my ankle gave out on me, and when I fell I peeled back the skin over my shinbone on a wedge of sandstone. My pants leg bloodied up, and I rolled over on my back at the bottom of the hole. (Gipe, 33)” From this description, it is clear Dawn had some sort of ankle trauma. Dawn also describes more pain in the car ride to the hospital when Hubert flies around a curve and Dawn is thrown into Cinderella, “the …show more content…

This protocol begins in normal order. Dawn, a 15 year old girl, after getting rescued from the hole gets returned to her Momma, who quickly decided to take Dawn to the hospital. This is where the protocol diverges. From Momma’s words, we find out that the hospital where she wants to take Dawn, likely the closest hospital is across the state line in …show more content…

However, other than the implied comment from Momma to the doctor asking for a prescription, Momma, Dawn, Hubert and Cinderella, when they get back in the scene, do not seem to be especially frustrated about the lack of healthcare. Both Momma and Dawn, in fact, go from believing Dawn needs medical attention to sitting in the waiting room talking about Dawn’s father in the span of two