Dbq Essay On The American Revolution

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The American Revolution created the basis of American society by calling together the people of New World to fight for freedom and liberty. Not only did the colonists unite for their inalienable rights but also for the advancement of their economic and social standards. The passion and emotion of the colonist and their leaders runs vividly in the veins of Americas laws and foundations. The colonists fight for independence from Britain forever changed the way the people of the new world think and act. The colonists uniting together for the good of its people created a trend in America that would last to today. Firstly, The colonists where unrepresented and uncompensated in the parliament (Assessment 1, Document 1: Ramsay). For this reason, colonists stood up for themselves against the tyranny and unfair proclamations put in place by the British. Furthermore, the ability for the colonists to all to unite under one banner to …show more content…

Secondly, the colonist showed eagerness and national pride in times of trial during the encampment at Valley Forge (Assessment 2, Waldo). Likewise, the colonist ability to channel this energy to persevere through bad times and thrive in the good time becomes a trend in the history of America onward as we persevere through the tough times of war and the economic failure yet still come out as the most prosperous nation in the world. After, the colonists grew strong and powerful the more they worked together. Soon, the colonist grew in social unity in preparation for revolution, they swore to try their hardest and persevere through every hazard (Assessment 4, The Declaration of Causes and Necessity of Taking up Arms). They then made a final stand with a list of all the intolerable things the King of Britain had done for the whole word to see (Assessment 5: Primary source, Declaration of Independence). Eventually, the colonists became restless and rose up