Dead Poets Society Leadership Essay

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Leadership Traits in Dead Poet’s Society Movie
“Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary”

Given that leadership is ability to influence a group toward achievement of goals (Colquitt, Lepine & Wesson, 2015), it is undeniably clear that Mr. Keating in “Dead Poet’s Society” was an absolute leader and charismatic influencer. Even though, “Dead Poet’s Society” brings up different topics such as traditions, discipline and freedom of choice, in today’s paper I am going to discuss leadership and its effects on job performance.
To begin with, it is important to mention that movie takes place in late 50’s, where 7 young men who are students of the prestigious academy in the US - Wellton, which is based on four principles: …show more content…

Keating. Briefly, the movie shows the struggle of a new teacher who tries to inspire his students to live the life they want to and fails. Nevertheless, throughout his charisma, rebellious views and caring attitude he lived up to the respect from his students. That is to say that after all, Todd Anderson does not recognize Keating 's guilt, even when signing the order. And when in the next lesson Keating enters the classroom for personal things, Todd gets on the desk and says: "Oh, captain, my captain!".
Coming back to the point of leadership, it is important to mention that we have 2 main adults in the movie: Mr. Keating and Mr. Nolan. Mr Nolan in comparison to Mr. Keating prefers more traditional and authoritarian ways of teaching. Furthermore, Leader Effectiveness is the leadership criteria, which means how effective is one in performing as a leader (Robbin & Judge, 2013). it is undeniably clear that Mr. Keating is shown as a strong leader, who is working on his goals and ideas. To put it differently, leaders possess certain characteristics such as verbal fluency or decisiveness, so leader effectiveness is a one’s performance in influencing a group in having these