Deadly Sins In Doctor Faustus

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Chapter 1: Deadly Sins of Upbringing Children Deadly sins, if you have heard or read seven deadly sins of a human, mentioned in the play “Doctor Faustus” by Christopher Marlowe, you will exactly know why they were called fatal. Likewise, the same philosophy of seven deadly sins applies in here. Children are abused by their own parents because of some basic facts which are highly recognized by the terms; gluttony, sloth, wrath, envy, lechery, covetous and pride. Unfortunately, our children are the main victims of seven deadly sins by none but their parents. These are those children who claim to blame their parents. Upon psychiatric and psychological tests for certain behaviors, we get to know that these children were mistreated, abused verbally and even physically. Many a times children follow what their parents want; still are not taken into consideration when it comes to these sins which are prohibited from practicing in any stage of life. : 1. Apply all what you know about raising a child: Parents apparently don’t even like to read about or know that they are following some of these sins. This is perhaps because of lack of knowledge or the idea how they practice such ill functions upon their own children. Children, by nature, are equipped with multiple talents and each skill needs to be boosted and motivated by parents. Do we as parents of children need to adhere to the laws of not being jealous, coping with lechery (some parents have strong lechery for their sons and