Deaf People In The 1900's

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Deaf people lived very differently in the 1900’s than they do today. Texting and subtitles hadn’t been invented yet. They didn’t have the same ways of being able to communicate with hearing people as they do now. So, in the 1900’s, the Deaf population of L.A. created the Los Angeles Club for the Deaf, or the L.A.C.D. It was a source of entertainment and socialization for the Deaf. There was a basketball team, which won the national championship. A theatre program, which put on skits. They even held a beauty pageant! But eventually, fewer and fewer people came. Their audience, including the 11 board members of the club, grew older. Over 40 years after they had started the club, they were financially forced to sell their clubhouse. The L.A.C.D.