Dear Adults With Unhealthy Children From Amery

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Dear Adults with unhealthy children from Amery:
Some people think that doing competitive sports is good to help with self-a-steam and teach a child to learn to fail, while others think that it is not worth it for the price of competitive sports. If one had to be chosen it would be that competitive sports are good for children, because children can learn to be a good sport, they can learn to fail, and stop depression in children, and with many other benefits. Children in competitive sports have a many more positive effects then children who are not in sports. In the article “Positive Effects of Sports on Kids” "According to an article published by the University of Florida, children who participate in sports are also less likely to smoke …show more content…

Participating in sports provides opportunities for children to develop friendships, to learn to lose and win gracefully, to practice taking turns, to take on leadership roles, to learn to follow rules and to practice managing conflict. The social interaction experienced while participating in sports also improves mood and mental health. . . ." (Morris 2016) This means that children in competitive sports have better mental skills, which can lead a child to a friend filled life, and in “Positive Effects of Sports on Kids” "Children who participate in sports experience positive effects on their mental health, as well. Physical activity triggers the release of endorphins in the brain, chemicals that boost mood and help prevent and relieve depression, according to the Mayo Clinic. In fact, the University of Florida reports that …show more content…

According to “Benefits of Sports for Adolescent” “Some people may think this would distract student-athletes from schoolwork. However, the opposite is true. Sports require memorization, repetition and learning — skillsets that are directly relevant to class work." (Mu Health Care 2017) This proves the reason by, showing that sports can help children do better in school, which can lead to a very successful life, not to mention the quote from “7 benefits of sports” “…positive health benefits, including decreased risks of high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, diabetes and some types of cancer, according to the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. The President’s Council recommends at least one hour of physical activity for children daily." (VanTassel 2015) If children are in competitive sports they will be able to life longer because of the decreases in many posable deceases and with other medical help, this helps show that there are many good benefits. Do not forget the quote also from “7 Benefits of Team Sports” “Helps put winning into perspective. This can be a real sore subject for some kids. Participating in team sports gives kids the opportunity to gain an understanding of both winning and losing, as well as recognize the value of every teammates’’ abilities in contributing toward a shared goal.” (VanTassel 2015)