
Death In Julius Caesar Research Paper

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When we think of death everyone has a separate, unique reaction. Though some are more respectful than other this does not stop the fact that there is always a label placed on someone's life. This simple human characteristic has been done for the length of our existence proving itself avid in even earlier literature such as, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. Most notable as Mark Antony uses the line “ The evil that men do is remembered after their deaths, but the good is often buried with them.” However, this has repeatedly proven itself to be untrue due to the fact that, in death no one is remembered for all of their actions, but only those popularized by the mass.
Demonstrated in the earlier mentioned play: The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, the defeat of Pompey ,a …show more content…

Interestingly enough we can see this demonstrated in an earlier Communist chairman for China, Mao Zedong. Though he is remembered for striking fear in citizens with his communist behaviors he is also remembered by some for doing things such as, empowering China in the eyes of western countries who earlier had taken advantage of the weak connatated country. Unalike to this case, Nelson Mandela, the man given the most credit in abolishing apartheid in South Africa, was known for doing awful things that were washed away with his speeches and hope of ‘peace’. Most notable of his misbehavior being his involvement with a terrorist group, admitting to the Church St car bomb known for killing 19 people. With example on example in people like Elvis Presley, remembered and praised for his music, or Pablo Escobar the infamous Drug Lord. With the mention of these we only think ‘good’ or ‘bad’ not outlying situations ignored by others such as, Elvis Presley’s desire of 14 to 15 year old girls or Pablo Escobar's donations and constant help for those in

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