Death Penalty In Australia Essay

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Capital Punishment is considered one of the most controversial sentences across the world and has been used as punishment for many centuries. However, as society has evolved the international community has found that it is a violation of human rights and hence created the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1976. Under Article 6.1 it states, “Every human being has the inherent right to life.” and under Article 6.2 it states, “In countries which have not abolished the death penalty, sentence of death may be imposed only for the most serious crimes in accordance with the law.”

In 1976, South Australia, parliament amended the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 to abolish capital punishment. This was achieved by amending section …show more content…

However statistics around the world show that areas that are abolishing capital punishment have lower death rates. For example, statistics were provided in 2003 for the murder rates in Canada and they showed that after twenty-seven years without the death penalty the figures had dropped by 43%. Additionally in Central- Eastern Europe the murder rates have dropped by 60% since the abolishment of capital punishment. Therefore it shows that the death penalty is not a deterrent and if Australia continues to refuse capital punishment the murder rates will slowly decrease as …show more content…

By conducting research and looking at figure 2, it shows that the international community is abolishing capital punishment by the bar graph in the bottom right. Researching capital punishment has convinced me that it should not be reintroduced into Australia because it is inhumane, will cost the taxpayers more money and has the chance to kill innocent people. I strongly believe that if America follows the rest of the world and abolishes capital punishment it will fade out and be a sentencing punishment of the