Death Penalty Should Be Used In All 50 States

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Justice is equality, not revenge. The death penalty is justice for society because what if in prison the criminal kills the guard or the nurse? The death penalty should be used in all 50 states. Justice can help in many ways, especially for families of victims.
Some crimes are so heinous and inherently wrong that they demand strict penalties. Outstanding crimes re occur most often because the punishment they receive is equivalent to a slap on the hand. If we used the death penalty, more people would stop committing crimes because they would see a large crime wouldn’t get a small punishment. Gallup stated “murder and acts of terrorism should be punished with the death penalty.” (Most Americans, 2016).
“Some people say that the death penalty …show more content…

As a form of incapacitation, the death penalty helps to prevent crime.” (Ernest Van De Haag, 1973).
Capital punishment is the cheapest way to remove the “ill” from the society. Instead of spending money on criminals the money can be used for the development of the society.” (5 pros).
We cannot continue to save murderers from the death penalty, it’s not only costing us too much tax dollars, but it’s costing us lives too. If we continue to use our tax money on criminals to be in a air conditioned cell, with people waiting on them, cooking for them and watching tv we will never be able to stop people from these horrible crimes. If we put our tax money towards things better than a criminal the world would go around better. The death penalty is reasonable after all, we can’t keep paying for these killers, rapist, and brutal people to live.
“Capital punishment is likely to deter more than other punishments because people fear death more than anything else.” (Deterrence 1973). If the death penalty was swift and inevitable, there certainly would be a decrease in homicide rates. “The death penalty is important because it could save the lives of thousands of potential victims who are at stake.” (Bedau, H.,