
Declaration Of Independence John Smith Summary

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When reading John Smith’s diary, the most important ideas in my opinion are being able to document when the English first settled in North America and to understand the hardships the colonists and John Smith had to overcome. Smith played a huge role in the establishment of Jamestown, Virginia which was the first colony to be established in North America. King James I created the Virginia Company in 1606 that permanently established a colony in North America. Another important idea in Smith’s diary is how difficult it was for the people, on the ship with Captain Smith, to survive. At the time, there was a terrible sickness on the ship that made it almost impossible for the people to survive. The colonists on the ship were unaware of the difficulties of Virginia that were upon them. I believe that William Bradford was preferred over Smith because they had two totally different attitudes. Bradford did not care just about himself like Smith did. Smith’s attitude was somewhat full of himself, while Bradford’s was the complete opposite. Smith acted arrogant towards the …show more content…

In my opinion, the Declaration of Independence was his most important contribution to America. In 1776, Thomas Jefferson began drafting the Declaration of Independence at only thirty-three years old in hopes of breaking away from the control of Great Britain. If the Declaration of Independence was never written, then the United States would not be free from Great Britain today. When the Declaration of Independence was written, the United States began to see themselves as their own nation. Thomas Jefferson provided a few main points for the Declaration of Independence. The Declaration of Independence says that all men are equal, and men have three primary human rights. (explain why the three primary human rights are important to the

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