Definition Essay About Love

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Chinese philosopher and writer Lao Tzu once said, “Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.” The term ‘love’ is significant because it has been widely known, accepted, and displayed for decades. It is a universal term that meets our needs as human beings. If one were asked to define ‘love,’ one would generally think of it as showing affection towards their significant other. Although that may be true, it is important to realize that there is more to love than just romance. Love is universal; it can be found present within oneself, families, friends, pets, etc. There are no limitations in which one can only apply love towards their significant other. Love involves kindness and caring for one another; such emotions and actions can be displayed by anyone, towards another person or thing. Love can be applied to others without being overly affectionate like …show more content…

According to Neel Burton, a philosopher, from Psychology Today, “It is a philia that is born out of erôs, and that in turn feeds back into erôs to strengthen and to develop it.” In other words, Burton is saying that Plato believes that love creates friendship, which then develops back into love. In the eyes of Plato, love and friendship are correlated; one derives from the other. In another article, Burton also mentions, “When we find our other half (the expression descends from Plato’s myth), we are ‘lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy.’” In Plato’s myth, Plato goes more in-depth about where he believed love aroused from in us humans. Plato is a well-known ancient Greece philosopher who has impacted many. His theories have been and still are, being studied and taught by many individuals. With that being said, it is not uncommon for one to have the same views as him in terms of love; love equals ‘friendship’ and ‘intimacy’ (A Short History of Love,