What You're Doing Essays

  • Definition Essay Love

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    humans, care, respect, and compassion for people in need. As Aristotle put it, philia is a “dispassionate virtuous love” that is free from the intensity of sexual attraction. If you find yourself in this type of love with a member of the opposite sex, you’re in superior

  • Definition Essay: What Is Love?

    833 Words  | 4 Pages

    What is love? According to dictionary.com, love is a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. Before this happens, how does one set the foundation for it? Simple, by basing it off of personality a stable ground is developed in which the affection can grow. However, not everyone believes that personality is the right choice; sometimes what the outside has to offer is more appealing than the inside. Between these two perspectives, love is developed at varying levels, though which

  • Definition Essay About Love

    559 Words  | 3 Pages

    What is love? After a long hard day, I come home from school and am welcomed by my mom’s warm hug. She smiles at me and asks, “How was your day?” I answer with, “It was okay. How was yours?” She kindly smiles at me and says, “I didn’t sleep all night and I put ice on my shoulder since it has been very painful today.” I am grateful for all the things she does because a mother’s love is special. Although love can be used to describe who you love, like your mother or your boyfriend/girlfriend, it can

  • John Keats Argumentative Essay

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    In an everyday life, humans are surrounded by people who may love someone, may be their kids, their animals, or even their wife. Love is one of the most powerful words to say to someone, because the word love is something that is not made up by two random strangers, it is an unbreakable bond that two may share and live happily with each other. Love is an amazing experience to be in. Love is inevitable. In the book of “The Making of a Poem” a Norton Anthology of Poetic Forms, there was one man who

  • Definition Essay On Love

    562 Words  | 3 Pages

    What is love? Many people, on a daily basis, use the word love to describe how they feel about objects, not people. For example, someone may say that they love certain foods or animals. Love is not passive. Love is not only an emotion but also an action. How does a person know if they love someone? When an individual behaves lovingly towards someone, it may mean that individual loves the person. If someone asks, “What is love,” it is like asking, “What is painting?” One knows, without a doubt, what

  • Definition Essay About Love

    900 Words  | 4 Pages

    What is LOVE What is love? Let’s first define it, according to Merriam Webster “it is a intense feeling of deep affection” for me what is it? It’s a mutual understanding for both person who has a deeper understanding of love. And others say Love is involuntary. Brain science tells us it's a drive like thirst. It's a craving for a specific person. It's normal, natural to "lose control" in the early stage of romance. Love, like thirst, will make you do strange things, but knowledge is

  • Love Definition Essay

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    Comp. 1 March 30, 2015 What is love? There are many different kinds of love. Love is a whirlwind of emotions that is often easy but sometimes, extremely hard. The Dictionary describes love as an intense feeling of deep affection. Sometimes people love for the wrong reason but at the end of the day, love is what you make it out to be. The love between two people can be wonderful and can be hurtful at the same time. Ultimately, we decide what love is. My parents mean the world to me. They have literally

  • The Story Of An Hour By Kate Chopin

    571 Words  | 3 Pages

    Love is a small word that is magical and wonderful, while freedom is a powerful word that represents strength and individualism. These two simple words, love and freedom, are two of the most sought after things in life. Everybody wants to love, and be loved in return, whether they admit it or not. Everybody also wants to know they have the power of freedom and the ability to do as they please. If this is the case, then why do freedom and love seem so contradictory in “The Story of an Hour” written

  • Definition Essay On Philia

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    important, “philia”. This is a love based on fondness, and goodwill. This is a type of love where one person wishes well for the other person, and cares deeply about them. Philia is important to have in a friendship with another person, especially in what Aristotle refers to as a character friendship; one of the three types of friendship according to Aristotle. Aristotle states, “Since these causes [of loving] differ in species, so do the types of loving and types of friendship. Hence friendship has

  • Love By Barbara Fredrickson

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    in and out of love for many things. I even loved multiple things at once. I loved sports, I loved nature, I loved food, I loved justice, I loved my country, I loved many things around me that I was brought up to think didn’t warrant love. I realized what I truly treasured about my

  • Definition Essay: My Love For Summer

    661 Words  | 3 Pages

    Love can be seen in many ways that we can't really always describe, but we can feel and appreciate. Like how we love our family, sometimes we fight, and say mean things to eachother but we still love them more than anything. But, there are somethings that you can feel and describe your love for like, my love for summer. Summer is the time of year where you can do anything your heart desires, like go outside and enjoy the warmth of the sun, go to the pool and swim, go to the beach and the list goes

  • Definition Essay Love

    320 Words  | 2 Pages

    Love. What exactly is it? Is it just a four letter word or is it more than that? Nowadays there are many different definitions of love. I believe love is passionate, rich, strong, and beautiful. It is insane, raw, tender, and scary. Love can be good and bad. It’s making someone smile for no apparent reason. It also can be making someone else’s day just by looking at the person they love. Love is being glad that somebody or something is to exist. Love is recognized specifically as a feeling, but

  • Definition Essay About Love

    504 Words  | 3 Pages

    value with. I believe that all emotions derive from love or a lack of love. It was much easier for me to understand what love is, by first understanding was love wasn’t. When I met my husband twelve years ago, I was looking for true love. I thought I found this perfect guy that I was going to marry and happily grow old with. Wow, was I wrong. This is when I began to question love. What is true love anyhow? Is it when you truly love or when you both truly love each other? Personally, I thought it would

  • Love Definition Essay

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    chaotic and confusing, but it can also be joyous and unforgettable. Love is chaotic in the sense of a persons thoughts going crazy when they’re in love. Getting in an argument and saying the meanest things possible and still care greatly for another, is what some people would define as love. The dictionary defines love as an intense attraction towards someone, or something.The ancient Greeks put love into 3 separate categories: Storge love, Phileo love, and Eros love. Storge love is the love that parents

  • Definition Essay Love

    706 Words  | 3 Pages

    I have always had one question repeatedly appear in my mind. This question is, “What is love?” As a child, my parents taught me to love them, my family and friends, and Jesus. My parents said that these three things are what I am always going to need in life and that I cannot go without them. However, as I got older, I realized that we say “I love you” or “I love this thing” about several things that mean multiple things to various people. One thing could mean the world to one person and be worthless

  • Definition Essay: What Is Love?

    1823 Words  | 8 Pages

    Love is one of the vaguest words that exist in the dictionary, however just like the famous quote that many can relate to “love is indefinable, but when you feel it, you will know that it’s love” (Rushing, 2008). Coming from the perspective of a scientist, love is a feeling originating from the hypothalamus. Love has different meanings and interpretations across culture, age, gender, sexual orientation, and many more, however one thing is clear: one of the key factors why we enter into a relationship

  • Love Definition Essay

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    higher purpose. Searching for a beautiful person is an act all people look for, but looking further than just the body and seeing the beauty of the mind one possesses according Plato helps lead toward the understanding of eros. Diotima points out, what many people fail to realize is the attraction to a beautiful person is the only an idea constituting that

  • Definition Essay Love

    954 Words  | 4 Pages

    What is Love? Love is something that means very different things to different people. Love is rarely defined because everyone experiences it differently. What one person thinks is love, one may think is infatuation. For some, real love is utterly unconditional. One thing is certain though, love is the most powerful force in the universe. Love is selfless. Love is wanting the other person happy. It could be that the person is happy with someone else, but you find happiness in their smile

  • Definition Essay Love

    451 Words  | 2 Pages

    them because they love them. Typically love is never defined unless one searches in a dictionary, but it is common knowledge. Children learn about love when they are being taught about abstract words. At this point in their lives, they already know what it is; they already know why they are told “I love you” and why they say it back. If one of these children is asked about the definition of love they will give an example of love or how love feels to them but it is unlikely to receive an exact definition

  • Definition Of Love Essay

    2008 Words  | 9 Pages

    Do you ever experience to love and to be love by the person that you wanted the most? What were your different interpretations of loving? How long can you wait and withstand everything just to have that person in your life? Do you have what it takes to suffer from loving a person? As we go on through our life, we are learning and understanding circumstances that the world offers us. Those encounters in life may have emotional power on you and how you deal with personal state of mind and on how can