Definition Essay Beauty

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Beauty. A word everyone has heard, but the meaning may have been lost, or come to be viewed differently, over time. Beauty is in everything, but in such a busy world, it is easy to overlook such beauty and focus on other things. Only when people slow down and really concentrate, the beauty can be seen. It was much easier to see this beauty before technology really took off, because now people are basically glued to their cell phone or some other mobile device, completely forgetting about the good in the world. It is commonly said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but nowadays, it seems as if only certain people and traits are seen as truly beautiful by the majority of society. Beauty is not only on the outside but on the inside too; …show more content…

Through stares and whispers, or are there more obvious ways? Do people get treated differently based on appearance? Although many would like to believe that everyone is treated the same and looks do not matter, the truth is that people are treated differently based solely on attractiveness. Attractive people are generally perceived as more likeable, trustworthy, persuasive, and outgoing (Spector). We as humans want others to like us, no matter how often some may deny it; we seem to especially want attractive people to like us, because this makes us feel more important and likeable. Some might disagree with attractive people being seen as more trustworthy, and instead say that attractive people tend to be shallow, unfriendly, and fake based on past personal experiences or stereotypes. Not all attractive people are this way; everyone is different, meaning you cannot generalize a specific group of people. A stereotype about attractive people is that they are selfish and rude, but that is not always the case; unattractive people can be selfish and rude also. Some may bring up the argument that attractive people may feel forced to be a little aggressive or short when dealing with people, in order to not be taken advantage of. They may feel the need to prove they are not just attractive, but intelligent and independent as well; they have feelings and struggles just like everyone else. Either way, it is hard to feel confident about yourself when you see others being treated differently than you, especially if you believe you are working harder. Equal treatment of all is needed, and there are multiple ways this can be attempted, which ultimately would aid in increasing the self-esteem of