Definition Essay: Everyone Wants To Be Cool

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Our society has become excessive with its quest to be cool. Everyone wants to be cool. Everyone wants their kids to be cool. Nobody wants to be uncool. Nobody wants their kids to be uncool. Cool is everywhere amongst everyone; young and old, male and female, black and white, rich and poor. It is everywhere.
What is cool? Cool is knowing you are cool, or being so uncool you are actually really cool, like Napoleon Dynamite. Cool is speaking with sureness, never mumbling or fumbling for words. Cool is never arguing because when you know you're right and what everyone else says is wrong and you know it. Cool is never being in a rush yet never too late. Cool is knowing when you are talking, people are listening. Cool people know what’s cool, they define it.
What is uncool? Uncool is riding your dad’s old Schwinn to high school with a plastic …show more content…

People have reduced attention spans and a desire for constant feedback on their lives. We’ve all seen some Facebook users become mini celebrities, watched and admired by others all day, every day. These people are doing things they deem 'Facebook worthy' because they themselves by people knowing about them. These coolness-obsessed people are living in a world where what people think of you counts most. Can you imagine a society where people care more about what other people think about them than what they think about themselves? It’s happening. The quest for coolness has even expanded into food allergies. It has suddenly become cool to be gluten-free. Gluten coverage is now discussed on TMZ and Entertainment Tonight vs. only heard about in health journals. The sudden increased awareness of gluten came with hordes of self-diagnosed allergies to it. Only 5 percent of consumers that purchase gluten-free products have actually been diagnosed with celiac disease (Topper