Word Definition Essay

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Definition is an essential method used for all kinds of writing. It answer the question, “what is the meaning of the word?” or “What is it?” Using definition as an opening sentence in a paragraph allows reader to know the topic right away. Definition is important most especially in scientific and technical forms of writing as it introduces readers to terms which are unfamiliar to them.

Definition may either be formal or informal. A formal definition is always used in the introduction of a new topic. It is short or concise, and consist of three parts: the species (term to be defined), genus (the class where the term belongs), and differentia (the characteristics which distinguish the term form all other classes). Sometimes, a formal definition is so complex that it requires more than just a one-sentence definition. It may require a paragraph or an extended definition through an explanation of what the term really is.

Examples: An owl is a bird …show more content…

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