What Does It Mean To Talk Essay

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Meaningful Talks People have been talking about God meaningfully for a few centuries now, and it has become increasingly difficult to actually be sure if what was said is actually true. I do not believe that God is completely out of our comprehension, and that we are able to talk meaningfully about Him. Divine simplicity would be one major point for me, Divine Simplicity says that God is indivisible and cannot be separated, such as His nature. I believe that God is beautiful and I can meaningfully say that he is, because I have seen his beauty in the sprawling landscapes across this earth, I have seen the unique individual patterns in the eyes of those around me, I have seen the magnificent stars and planets that illuminate the sky in the …show more content…

St. Thomas Aquinas describes it perfectly; he says that we do not use the same type of language that we do when we talk with each other as when we have our talks about God. As humans we are quite inconsistent with our language and how one word can mean one thing in one sentence but it could mean something completely different in another, so to say something about God it comes down to the speaker and what his meaning behind each word is and how it is important. It is not easy to understand what everyone means behind the words that people say about Him, but that does not mean that sometime in the future it will still be just as difficult, in fact it will probably be easier as we have had new theories on how to talk about Him arise, such as apophatic theology. The theory is that you can talk meaningfully about him by stating what he isn’t, which would make sense because by saying something that isn’t true about Him or isn’t a part of Him you make the world around you a lot simpler when it comes trying to describe him, because you no longer have to think about that thing that he isn’t making describing Him easier. These theories can be hard to wrap your head around but that does not mean that they are impossible to try and