
Letter To Bennet: An Explanation Of The Triune God

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Dear Bennet, the last time we talked I had discussion with you, about the trinity. You told me that from your own experience you felt that the trinity is not an important part of Church. You expressed that in your opinion, the trinity is so unimportant that Christians should just dismiss it. I have written this letter so that I might explain how the trinity is an important doctrine in christianity. With the aid of scholarly resources I will attempt to explain the concept of the triune God, why the trinity is so difficult to comprehend and how the trinity affects Christians. Explanation of the Triune God
The trinity is one of the most confusing doctrines in the Bible. It is the understanding that God consists of the Father, the Son and …show more content…

One directions is modalism, which is the view that God is one and presents Himself at different times in different manners. The other goes towards tritheism, that is the belief in three gods (Erickson 45.) However, the Godhead consists of three persons equally divine and inseparably one (Erickson 15). In Genesis 18, three persons eat with Abraham. Abraham specifically refers them as a singular being and calls them Lord in the singular sense. The text makes it clear that although there are three persons, all are the Lord and all are one in unity (Thurmer 14). I will now explain the trinity from a more logical standpoint. Logic begins with a basic premise and then results in a conclusion. (Macchia 1). For example, if someone were to say to you, “all human beings are mortal”, that would be true because we know that everyone must die. If someone then said, “Socrates is a human being”, you would then have to conclude that Socrates is then mortal. In the Bible there is no exceptions for God being the only one who saves. Therefore when the Bible says that the father …show more content…

However, the Trinity will always to be difficult to grasp because of the way people must examine it. A statement is contradictory if it affirms two contradictory things about the same subject at the same time and in the same respect. If I say that my house is white and that my house is gray, it is not a contraction unless I am saying they are like this at the same time. Perhaps the wall are gray and the bricks are white. Different parts of the house are gray and white so although it is grey and white at the same time, it is not grey and white in the same respect (Erickson 45).The doctrine of the trinity is contradictory only if God is three at the same time as He is one and in the same respect that He is one (Erickson 45). With this in mind I will bring human understanding into perspective so as to explain why the trinity is so hard to understand. The scriptures make it very clear that God is three in one. However, other then the scriptures, all we have for the trinity is a philosophical understanding. That understanding is finite and therefore subject to change based on the way we as humans understand ourselves in the specific age we are in.(Bracken 25). Humans attempt to describe God using analogies connected to earthly things. This means that we have no correct way to describe God as we can never compare God with earthly things

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