How Did Joseph Smith Contribute To Religion

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Joseph Smith Jr. was born on December 23, 1805, in Sharon, Vermont, to Joseph Smith Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith. Smith’s parents were Christian and made sure to instruct Smith and his siblings in the Christian faith. By 1820, many different Christian denominations were appearing and Smith was deeply concerned about his standing before God and about the confusion among the various religious groups. Inspired by James 1:5, 14-year-old Smith would pray, offering his heart’s desires to God. God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ would appear before Joseph Smith, telling him to join none of the churches, for they were all wrong. He would also be assured that the fullness of the Gospel would be made known to him in the future. Joseph Smith would come to know …show more content…

God is the Creator of all things, and those things are not eternal. For God to have started as a human man who later became an exalted being as taught in the Mormon faith, it would then be assumed He is not eternal as He has an origin and beginning. A second difference in the view of God in Christianity and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the teaching and belief that if God were to be seen, He would look like a human. Many Biblical scriptures highlight God’s spiritual nature as seen in Exodus 33:20, which says, “But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.” Or as seen in John 1:18, “But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.” In Christian theology, God is understood to exist beyond the confines of physicality. John 1:18 further demonstrates a third distinction in the view of God as seen in Mormonism and Christianity. The Church believes in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost who make up the Godhead. However, they view the members of the Godhead drastically from the views of others in the Christian