What Was Joseph Smith's First Vision In 1832?

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It is interesting to note that Joseph Smith claimed to have many revelations and heavenly messengers visiting him prior to his writing about his first vision in 1820 (or 1823 depending on whose account you wish to believe). Yet the historians clearly state that the circa Summer 1832 version was Joseph Smith’s first narrative that was in his own handwriting.

All of the revelations and appearances of heavenly messengers referred to above seem to be his words, accounting for what happened to him, yet the historians maintain his circa Summer 1832 history was his first handwritten statement and this was not published until March 1, 1842 (page 565 Histories), over 12 years after the establishment of his church and the appearance of angels and heavenly messengers and over 20 years after it allegedly happened. Why do you think Joseph Smith published this personally handwritten account of his first vision in …show more content…

Why did Joseph Smith allow other versions of his first vision to be published prior to 1842 that show obvious disagreement with his own hand written version claimed to be written in 1832?

The historians writing the Joseph Smith Papers actually speculate that John Whitmer, one of the first church historians, was not even aware of Joseph Smith’s claims of having been visited by God the Father and Jesus Christ and John Whitmer left the church in 1838 which was 8 years after the church was founded and 18 years after Joseph Smith claimed he experienced talking face to face with God the Father and Jesus Christ.

Should we believe what the historians have written or should we believe all of these other revelations and accounts of heavenly messengers appearing to Joseph Smith were actually true accounts written by Joseph Smith? Was he dictating to a scribe who wrote them down? Why did he wait until 1842 to publish his first personal story of what happened to him in 1820, 22 years