Definition Essay-See It !

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dd11914-See It!

God wants us to see it on the inside so we can experience it on the outside. When I say "see it", I'm talking about picturing it with your imagination. The definition of IMAGINATION is the act or power of forming mental images of what is not actually present or of what has never been actually experienced; creation of the mind; previews of the future. God has given us our imagination to grasp what He has promised us in His word. Once again, He wants us to "see it" on the inside so we can experience it on the outside.

Our mind thinks in pictures, for example, when I say black dog or red barn. What did your mind picture? Exactly, a black dog or a red barn. So, God, has given us His word to paint pictures in our heart of His will. When you hear the word or when you see in God's word that He has forgiven you, or you are healed by the stripes of Jesus, you are righteous in Jesus, etc... He tells us these things in His word so it can change our image to line up with the image He has of us instead of a defeated image. He has created us in His image so it's important to be in the process of aligning our image with His. …show more content…

God wanted Abram to "see it" not only with His natural eyes but He wanted him to "see it" with his spiritual eyes in order to receive what God wanted him to have. He wanted Abram to form a mental image of the land he saw being his. God wanted him to use his imagination to possess His

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