Greek Persuasive Speech

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As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool returneth to his folly Proverbs 26:11KJV. We get in trouble; we ask God to help us out; after we are free from trouble; we return to the same type of trouble again. We are going in circles. Imagine a person in a relationship and learns the relations are no longer profitable for either party. There may be lying, cheating, abuse or even threatening of life. You cry out to God in all desperation to help you out. Ok, God responds, you're free. What do you do with this new found freedom? You give it back. Yes, you go back to that same situation in which you were just delivered from. You’re just going in circles “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled …show more content…

Wherefore, hast thou dealt thus with us, to carry us forth out of Egypt? Is not this the word that we did tell thee in Egypt, saying, let us alone, that we may serve the Egyptians? For it had been better for us to serve the Egyptians, than that we should die in the wilderness Exodus 14:11-12KJV. They were willing to return to that which they were delivered from because; they feared the unknown. They had no idea how God would deliver them; what they forgot is that God had made them free. This quote reminded me of what happened later in this story “I told her I'd wait forever for her, but that was before I found somebody else who'd give me a ride home” Jarod Kintz. As you will read later in this story Exodus 32, while Moses was on the mountain getting the law from God, they yielded to impatience and did their own thing. God’s chosen people kept going in circles and their yielding to impatience convinced them to sin against God by making an (golden calf) idol god. Remember, they were free from these things; returning to leadership that worships idols, is the same as returning to bondage (Going in …show more content…

We tend to have confidence in the tangible. The people of Jesus time saw and knew Him, but not all had confidence and faith in Him. Was this because He talked about a God that had yet to make Himself tangible? What was Jesus? Go figure! We fear that which is unseen and unknown. Israel refuse to go into the land because of fear Deuteronomy 1, they want to return to Egypt! Numbers 14.Do they not remember that they were slaves there? Do they not remember crying out to God for deliverance? You can’t go back to your old life; there is nothing there but bondage. We walk in circles because; darkness prevents us from seeing the path. John 3:19KJV states “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.” Some even see darkness as their friend; they feel as if darkness understands them better than light because; light exposes things about them that leads to judgment and darkness doesn’t judge them. Well, it doesn’t have to, because it already has them denying who or what they can become in the light. Darkness has no power over light, only over you, this is why light expels darkness; when the light comes darkness is no longer seen in its full effect, only shadows that remind us that it is still there. “In order for the light to

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