Positive Effects Of Conflict Essay

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Conflict is a normal and natural phenomenon in every type of human relationship at every level: from intrapersonal to global. As people who have different ways of thinking and different ways of doing things coming together; conflict is bound to occur. As a result when most people hear the word conflict, they think of the term in a negative way. Surprisingly conflict can actually be a positive within any relationship or situation (Weeks, 1994:7 -9 ). Conflict is most commonly defined as the behaviour resulting from differing feelings, thoughts and/or actions (). Dr. Dudely Weeks (1994:7-9) simply defines conflict as being a situation where two or more people, each with their own problem about the same situation usually with one of them getting tired of solving their problem which then creates a problem for the other, resulting in each of them resisting to accept, the other’s solution.
Dr. Week’s (1994:7-9) definition as well as understanding of conflict clearly points out how people generally view conflict as only resulting in only negative consequences; this then results in their experiences of conflict being negative. It also points out how considering only the needs and goals from the perspective of self can result in the conflict escalating even more. According to Dr Dudely Weeks, (1994:7-9) people ought to …show more content…

According to Dr. Dudely (1994:7-9) a positive and negative outcome is lies within the way individuals deal with conflict. Therefore a positive outcome is a direct result of a positive way of dealing with conflict; however this can only become a reality when one’s view of conflict is one that is positive rather than negative. Dr. Dudely Weeks also states that it is important for ones view of conflict to change; he believes that it is the negative assumptions that we hold of conflict that cause people to ineffectively manage