
Definition Essay On Friendship

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What is really the definition of friendship??? Perhaps for me is the love of that person that accepts the way I’m, believes in me and respects my ideas, but in a world of network technology, friendships is something far more shallow. The innovation of the internet and social network has dynamically changed the meaning of friends. The warmest of human contract is being replaced with social network friends, (Facebook, Tweeter, Instagram, Myspace etc...) “Just as our daily lives are becoming more technologically connected, we're losing other more meaningful relationships. Yes, we're losing our friends." (Mark Vernon). How ironic is that! When we sink our sell every day in a pool of so call-friends according to our social media stats. The truth …show more content…

In the other hand all it takes is just one good friend to stop by the house and demonstrate his support to make it feel all better. YES is true that we tend to mimic certain acquaintances when we come across them on Facebook, for example, when you watch a humorous video, it tents to transfers happy emotion. However, there is still does friends that post sadkk blog that might leave a person scar for a while. For instance, I still recall a video which traumatized me a couple of years ago about how a woman got murder on the hands of “drug dealer” on Mexico City. It was for sure the most horrifying thing that I have ever seen and It left me with a saddest, feeling I have ever felt , it took me a while to get over such horrifying moment. Therefor some times, bad experiences can last longer than good ones. In conclusion, our society is being transformed by technically, and the amount of communication people could share without even having to meet up

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