Definition Essay On Friendship

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In movies, friendship if perceived as something so cliché and cheesy. In fact, some people believe that knowing someone for a long time is labeled as “friendship” but that’s not always the case. Friendships can last two weeks or 20 years but it doesn't mean that both aren’t equally as special. It’s the memories and adventures that come along with friendship that define the meaning of friendship. An old friend of mine, Bethany, was everything I could imagine friendship was. She understood me perfectly, and every weekend we would go over to each others house and go on scary adventures to the woods. In fact, one day after spending 8 hours inside of a prison learning things that will never be beneficial in the long run, we went over to my house …show more content…

All I remember from the gory battle was the amount of geese and salt that flew threw the air like modern day airships. After all bullets had been fired, we picked up the remains of french fry that still lay on the roof. I however, being the klutz that I am, lost my balance and slipped. Right when my life was flashing before my eyes, Bethany managed to grab my arm and pull me up towards safety. If wasn’t that much of a fall, but at the time I was almost sure I would die and my mother would have to scrape me off the lawn. Yet, this near death experience didn’t stop us from continuing our fight. We picked up the remaining fries that layer on the roof and proceeded to battle. Although this went on for 15 minutes or so, I could have stayed up there with her for days. About a couple months later, Bethany got into a relationship. At first we we’re alright, but it wasn’t until she would stop coming over as often when the arguments evoked. We started having argument after argument; suddenly we had become an old married couple. We both knew we weren’t going to be friends forever, we had both just expected to remain friends for a little longer. Knowing that our deadline was forthcoming, we clung onto our friendship like a baby to it’s blanket. For months this continued, we had tried everything to preserve whatever we had