Definition Essay On Happiness

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What even is happiness? I mean happiness can make a lot. Some take it different ways. Some think, love, family, anything. Happiness is a key to have. “Happiness” is not only hard to measure, but it is also difficult to singularly define. You can’t define happiness without using a synonym for happiness, and you can’t interpret it to everyone’s satisfaction. Oxford dictionaries’ Captain Obvious definition for happiness is “the feeling of being happy”. The progressive nature of humans to distort nature has had some dire consequences for the human brain. Let's be honest here, our barely evolved brains are struggling to handle the modern world properly. What should have taken hundreds of thousands of years to adapt to a digital environment through the process of evolution, has taken merely decades. …show more content…

Yet they don’t know what we think, right? They don’t know if your sad, happy, I mean you might think you know by their face expressions, but that doesn’t mean they’re happy. ( Article: I pulled for the second paragraph isn’t just a couple of sentences, some of the words might be meaningful to others. The sentence. I mean what if a random person said hey, you look nice. What’s your first impression? You instantly smile. Some laugh and blush. Were all different. Happiness is hard to find, if you struggle with a lot on your plate. Article