My Quality World Essay

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My Quality World
My quality world begins with very simple concepts. These concepts revolve around very peaceful views. The world lacks very simple things. Humans are so consumed by technology that they have forgotten how to live life to its full capacity. This capacity is what holds humans behind. The fact that we are in an infinite universe, yet, people are stuck doing paperwork and assignments to live a good life. Life has a bigger meaning. This meaning of my quality world revolves around happiness, success, and finding what life is truly about.
Happiness is a very difficult thing to achieve. People can be temporarily happy, but true happiness comes from living life to its full potential. For example, people always tend to be stuck at work rather than enjoying nature and enjoying the view of life outside. Spending quality time outside and viewing what nature provides gives a feeling of hope and happiness. The world is beautiful, but we never take the time to appreciate any of it. The world also revolves around human interaction. The people in my life influence me to be a better person. The …show more content…

The life of a college student can be difficult. Learning this first hand has been a very unique experience. My brother always told me that the beginning is easy, but the pressure eventually comes. That pressure is one of my barriers, and this class is teaching me how to get past those barriers. I think this class is very unique. Learning about learning is a weird concept, but it helps a lot. This class is essentially the foundation to many students’ success. College will provide me the opportunity to become an accountant. The grand plan is to succeed and keep moving forward. Learning different learning styles has made me focus on the learning style that best fits me. College will ultimately provide the knowledge for a better future. These three things will lay the foundation for a successful life, and a successful college