Definition Essay On Happiness

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Happiness has many forms. Running in to an old friend, passing an exam, earning that promotion at work. However, happiness also has many factors. Social status, economic standing, stress.
But how does one really define happiness? Is it as simple as a chemical reaction from the brain? Maybe it is something deeper outside of our understanding. Some people spend their entire lives looking for the true meaning of happiness. Building large businesses and acquiring large sums of money. Others look to family and friend for good times and memories they'll never forget. Religion can also cam also be put into account. Ones unshakable faith and the bettering of ones self. Below are some insights in to the given points. One way to look at happiness is a straightforward scientifically approach. If you take evolution into account, the human brain has had quite a long time to meld into what it is today. Take dopamine for example, when a goal is set, and than achieved, x amount of dopamine is released into the brain. Giving a euphoric a pleasurable feeling. Some individuals even resort to hardcore drugs to get this effect I.E; Cocaine, heroin, and opiates. Oxytocin is another …show more content…

Small communities of people can be perfectly content in their way of life, be it simple or otherwise. Close-knit groups of families are almost always radiating happiness on holidays when relatives from all over come to visit, and share their own experiences, spreading the happiness that they had felt during the moment. Love also plays an important role in happiness. A solid 18 percent of Americans are depressed. With around 4 percent being from either broken relationships, or shattered marriages. That's at the very least around 12 million people that are depressed due to a lack of love, or sense of abandonment. A strong relationship with friends and especially family is always going to be a cause of